As the picture, taken in the poly tunnel, shows weeding (plus sowing and planting) activity is at last happening, we are now picking rocket and ruby mustard and the garlic is going well.
Outside the the brave leeks that survived the winter are still being enjoyed, the warm weather has brought a flush of very tasty shoots on the red russian kale and Daisy (the house Jersey - due to calve in two weeks) is sharing the parsnips with us - she gets the newly sprouting tops we eat the roots.
You could say that we have been as busy as bees lately but that would not be entirely true since thanks to wonderful Kate we now have two hives of bees on the croft and it soon became apparent that nothing is as busy as bees except other bees and perhaps ants.
Also, unlike bees, we have just had a wee break to recharge batteries, knit socks, read a bit and best of all enjoy some good food with friends on our favourite Island. Its identity cannot be revealed but one could say that in some ways its not the best place for recharging batteries but that may change and below is a picture clue.
Once back home there was some frantic weeding and mulching around Honeysuckle together with smartening up pots and containers to give a colourful background for Helen and James' wedding.
On a beautiful day amid shining sun and singing birds Kate cast off her bee keeper's veil in favour of ministerial robes and declared Helen and James husband and wife

On a beautiful day amid shining sun and singing birds Kate cast off her bee keeper's veil in favour of ministerial robes and declared Helen and James husband and wife