The weather is so unpredictable and a cool wet week or two can sweep in and settle upon us at any time. This can play havoc with germination and also seriously disadvantages the chances of survival for young plants in their battle with slugs.
Having spent years trying to control slugs with beer traps and torchlight night patrols I have given up and now grow most things outside by starting them off inside and planting them out as plugs in everything from loo roll cores, root trainers, plastic modules and mini pots home made from old newspapers. In my experience, well grown vigourous young plants can generally out grow the attacks of slugs.
Cool loving vegetables such as potatoes generally
like living and growing and growing in Lochaber. As you can see from the picture 2010 was no exception.
In the polytunnel the manure/compost is not leached by high rainfall and breaks down quicker in the higher temperatures while all its goodness and moisture retention properties enhance plant growth a well earned reward for all that barrowing.